commands, though a patch fixes this issue. This edit is by default incompatible with M.U.G.E.N 1.0 due to the extremely long command inputs for the A.I. and Life are very similar to Donald McDonald's. The difference between this edit and the original Donald McDonald is that it has a new portrait, the voice of an American, the ability to jump three times, an Awakening Ronald mode, and a few new moves such as throwing a box of French fries which cause the screen to go black apart from an open circle which is locked onto your opponent. His A.I. 10 NEETpermanently's edit (Spicy Donald)ĭonalddesu's edit (Ronald McDonald) Ronald McDonald.8 Thecrazyvoid's edit (Symbiote Shadow Donald).7 Thecrazyvoid's edit (Symbiote Donald).5 DarkDonald1's second edit (Shadow Donald).4 DarkDonald1's first edit (Shadow Ronald).3 PineappleProducer's edit (Evil Donald).What is listed here is limited to what the edits change, meaning information should not be duplicated from the article about the original version outside of the idle animation and portrait, even if they haven't changed.Īroi1350's Getuploader (H-Donald & Pierrot)

This subpage contains any edits of Kishio's version of Ronald McDonald. Continue reading and/or choose to download the content at your own discretion. Both this article and the content documented in it contain language that may be considered offensive to some users.